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13 July 2025

Athletics Australia Half Marathon Championships

The Sunshine Coast will welcome athletes competing across 21.1km in 2018, as the Australian Half Marathon Championships descends on the picturesque course that takes in Maroochydore and Mooloolaba on the 19th of August.

To be eligible to compete for the Australian Half Marathon Championship title, you must nominate for selection consideration via your state or territory Member Association.

This can be done on the Athletics Australia website:

Upon being selected to compete at the Championship Race, the team behind the 7 Sunshine Coast Marathon will provide the following to elite athletes competing for the title:

  • Free Event entry
  • Accommodation, ground support and a per diem of $150 (for approved applicants from the event organiser)
  • Management of your entry process
  • Facilitate access into/out of the Event venue for the athlete briefing and Event day
  • Elite marshalling
  • Dressing room/facility

For more information regarding the Australian Half Marathon Championships please refer to


Current Australian Half Marathon Records

Men’s – 61:11 Pat Carroll in Sydney

Women’s – 69:00 Lisa Weightman in Gold Coast

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